Sunday 8 December 2019

This is a movie poster for Baby DriverBaby Driver is a 2017 action film written and directed by Edgar Wright. It stars Ansel Elgort as a young, musically driven getaway driver seeking freedom from a life of crime with his lover Debora. 

The poster has been created by Amien Juugo,an illustrator from Makassar, Indonesia. From the poster, it really shows the concept of the movie itself when there's a police cars trying to chase the hot pink car at the front since the Ansel Elgort is the one who always committing the crime and police keep on chasing him.

Elements of Design in the Poster:

LINE - There a lot of type of lines in the poster such as horizontal, vertical, diagonal straight, curve, thick, and thin.

SHAPE - It has both geometeric and organic shape. 

COLOUR - The combination of hot pink and grey are really suited. Thus, the designer for this poster put bright colour on the subject (sport car and meter) that point out the concept of this movie.

TYPOGRAPHY - Just a simple font has been use but for me, the designer should put a increase the font size for the movie tittle.

This is a Tame Impala shows poster for their concert on 2013. Tame Impala is an Australian psychedelic music project led by multi-instrumentalist Kevin Parker, who writes, records, performs, and produces the music. 

Elements of Design in the Poster:

LINE: There a lot of type of lines in the poster such as horizontal, vertical, diagonal straight, curve, thick, and thin.

SHAPE: Most of the shape in this poster are organic, only one geometric shape can be seen which is the round shape of the moon.

COLOUR: The combination of colour looks edgy even tho it is every minimalist. Really suit the theme for a psychedelic rock band. 

SPACE: The used of space element can be seen in the poster when some of the part are left blank that help to create the overall image. 

BALANCE: Asymmetry balance at the centre of the poster shows an eye-catching looks.  

A poster by Filipino-Japanese Multimedia artist named Tom Mimo who always in awe of colours. 

Elements of Design in the Poster:

LINE: There a lot of type of lines in the poster such as horizontal, vertical, diagonal straight, curve, thick, and thin.

SHAPE: All of the shape in this poster are organic.

COLOUR: The combination of colour looks unique and fresh with warm colours. Very indie and cheerful. But for me, i hope the yellow line on the face should be more brighter to enhance the line's element. 

TEXTURE: We can see the clear texture in this poster, on that girl shirt obviously. Thus, it create a more three-dimensional appearance on this two-dimensional surface.

This poster are designed by UK illustrator Dan Sherratt. He is one of the most gifted of the current crop of graphic artists who are bringing modern tools and concepts to the movie poster format, creating eye-catching new art for classic pictures and modern favorites. Inception is a 2010 science fiction action film written and directed by Christopher Nolan. 

Elements of Design in the Poster:

LINE: There a lot of type of lines in the poster such as horizontal, vertical, diagonal straight, curve, thick, and thin.

SHAPE: All of the shape in this poster are organic.

COLOUR: The colour used at the object of the poster are organized according to the colour range from warm tones to cool tones that looks very interesting. Thus, the use the black colour for the background gives attention for the main object to shine in the poster even more. 

FONT: The use of font are very minimalist and suite with the concept for this movie. 

REPETITION: Can be seen on the object in the poster. Gives delusional effect to the viewer.